
  • One

    Sarah is a wise and intuitive coach and I would highly recommend her as a coach. (She had) an ability to get to the core of what was holding me back.

  • Two

    Sarah has a gift in creating a constructive environment for examining issues and exploring perspectives.

  • Three

    I have found in the past that I was trying to meet the expectations of the coach and trying to get the right answer to their questions. I found (your) Sarah’s approach far more accessible and accepting and actually really challenging because it connected with me.

  • Four

    What strengths did Sarah bring to coaching?

    Boldness. Courage. Integrity. Truth telling with a kind edge. Deep listening skills. Clarity and concise thoughts. Focus. Your own experience which I like. Description goes here

  • Five

    Although being workplace centred I had confidence that the sessions were personal and confidential. Coaching was new to me and it took some getting used to, to the point where began to see benefit.ion goes here

  • Six

    Issues that I had with my manager have improved through open communication and a better understanding of each other. This was something that Sarah and I spoke about in our sessions.

Confidentiality and Professional Ethics

All sessions are strictly confidential unless as part of the coaching contract with between the coachee and coach it has been agreed that information will be shared with someone else. This will be agreed at the beginning of the coaching series. I adhere to the Association for Coaching Code of Professional Conduct and have regular supervision with an appropriately trained Coach Superviso